Chef 187 - Broke Nolunkumbwa - Full Album



Chef 187 - Nolunkumbwa - Full Album zip 

  • Artist Name: Chef 187 
  • Album Title : Broke Nolunkumbwa 
  • Year of Release : 2022
  • Category: music, Trending 
  • Country: Zambia
  • Genre :  Hip hop, dance hall

Broke Nolunkubwa has been dubbed by many as Chef 187’s most engaging and explosive project thus far. The album is filled with fire, passion, and originality from Chef 187 who incorporates different styles of music into one cohesive project. Broke Nolunkubwa is sure to get your blood pumping with its unapologetic lyrics over powerful production.

Chef 187 broke Nolunkulobe is a product of a new generation - and a breed apart. Nolunkumbwa is a sultry, confident spin on the traditional genre that shows us that maybe there's hope yet for hip-hop to blossom in Zambia (and perhaps elsewhere).

Chef 187 Broke Nolunkubwa is on its way to the market early this month. He teams up mostly with talented artistes including Umusepela Crown, Ruth Ronnie, Towela Kaira, Blake, Chanda Na Kay and Chuzhe Int.

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